terça-feira, setembro 30

architecture as spectacle

From a place of socialization and facing differences, the contemporary cities turned into artificial spaces of a controlled public life, gigantic sceneries of architectural forms and publicity images who celebrate, with enthusiasm, the attribution of aesthetic value to the heterogeneous, the great importance of the appearance and the glorification of the symbolic in a sort of daily life’s dramatization. Understanding that architecture had direct and fundamental influence in the transformations that the world, and more specifically the cities, were subjected along the 20th Century, this work can be summarized as a short analysis of the architectural production as a social isolation, control and fragmentation planned spectacle, built with the intention of obstructing the communication, neutralizing the conflicts and leading human life to the logic of passivity and contemplation, of alienated production and consumption of goods and meaningless images. This analysis was carried out with the comprehension that the spectacle is not treated as a fundamentally contemporary phenomenon and that all architecture produced from modern movement’s vanguard up to postmodernism, besides not carrying out opposition – concerning to the “Architecture of the Spectacle” – complement themselves. This way, this work was built from a clear definition of The Concept of Spectacle, Chapter 2; followed by a concise and objective presentation of its intrinsic characteristics, pointing three different historical moments of the 20th Century’s architectural production, which are Architecture as Spectacle in Modern Movement, Chapter 3.1; In the totalitarian regimes, Chapter 3.2; and In Post-modernism, Chapter 3.3. Final Considerations and Bibliographical References can be found in Chapters 4 and 5.

This summary in english is dedicated to my international fans!
I thank Julia Maia for the translation!

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Tah ficando muito importante!! hehehehe saudade de vc Budico!
Bjos Andreia
obs: têndi tudinhu!

Anônimo disse...
